Luana Basso: Influencers and the Future of Fashion.

We are all aware that Influencers are taking the lead in advertising high Fashion.

However, I was inquisitive to have the point of view of an expert on this topic.
Luana is an Influencer Marketing Manager with almost a decade of experience and her perspective really opened my eyes to what could be the future of fashion.

To start off, what’s your general perspective on Fashion Influencers in 2023?

”We cannot deny that influencers and, in general, the influencer world are changing and have been for a while now. In 2023, fashion influencers are focusing more and more on creating a community, they do not have a clear niche as they used to before, they are the niche, they are the brand.

As the influencer space becomes more saturated, fashion influencers are trying to show more of their personal style when it comes to collaboration. More and more influencers are working with luxury brands that, in the past, were only focusing on celebrities.”

Why do you think fashion brands are using more and more budget for influencer marketing campaigns?

”In 2016, during my first job, I was working with influencers – we used to call them bloggers – they were just posting cute pictures on Instagram showing what they were wearing without adding value to the post. Most of them were working on a gifted basis only.

Today most brands realised the power of influencer marketing, the actual conversion an influencer can generate, and how to increase their EMV thanks to influencer marketing.

80% of influencers are now creating polished content tailored to the brand – as short-video content is now polarizing the way we consume social media.

I’ve seen videos created by influencers that are more engaging than tv ads costing thousands of pounds. Brands are also trying to find a way to be more relatable and appealing to Gen Z.”

What’s the icon you are obsessed with?

”I grew up watching the top models walking fashion shows for Versace, and I was obsessed with all of them. Those were the days when only fashion editors, buyers, and celebrities were attending fashion shows.

As we are talking about influencers, I would say that my favourite is Emma Chamberlain the OG. She went from posting about her life on YouTube and social media platforms – she still does that – to walking the red carpet and interviewing celebrities at The Met Gala.”

Visualizza questo post su Instagram

Un post condiviso da emma chamberlain (@emmachamberlain)

”This is what I mean when I say that the influencer space has been changing so much in the past few years.”

How do you think the future of influencer marketing is going?

”I believe influencers are here to stay. One thing they need to focus on is how to balance their fame and move from social medias to other platforms or businesses.

Many influencers are creating their fashion lines, like Xenia Adonts, or they create their skincare or makeup brands.”

”Several influencers are also offering other services such as social media and coaching for businesses, they create a newsletter to share information with their subscribers outside the social media platforms.

When I am working with influencers on our 1-1 calls, I am always asking them this one question: what would you do if tomorrow you have no social media accounts? Do you have a place where your audience knows they can find you? Most of the time, they say no.

So my first advice to influencers is: get something else besides Instagram and TikTok.”

Finally, it was incredible to have the chance to chat with Luana and to have a proper insight on how Influencers will continue to rock the fashion world.